
库尔茨克铁矿床的环境矿物学(英文) 被引量:1

Environmental mineralogy of the Kursk iron ore deposit.
摘要 开发新技术是解决与铁矿选矿有关的环境问题的有效途径。综合性矿物学研究有助于选矿过程的改进。笔者与IPKON研究所的专家们一起研究开发一种电化学的方法,以改善制备用于湿法磁选的矿粉的性质并研究了使用电化学方法前后样品的性状。采用扫描电镜(SEM)技术研究矿物颗粒表面,发现其在絮化作用中的差异;偏极化曲线的测定可以揭示磁铁矿、赤铁矿和假象赤铁矿等矿物表面的不均等电化学过程;X-射线分析和穆斯堡尔谱数据亦可确定电化学处理前后矿粉样品成分的变化。所研究样品的磁性,在采用该方法前后样品的对比揭示其在:磁粘滞性(Svo)、磁饱和场的破坏(Hcr)、磁化率(χ)、及磁化强度(Is)等参数的相应增大。 The development of new technologies is one of the most effective ways to solve environmental problems related to ore-dressing.Complex mineralogical investigations are able to help in improving this process.In collaboration with researchers from the IPKON institute we have developed an electrochemical method to improve the properties of crushed ores prepared for the wet magnetic separation.The present paper studies the samples both before and after application of the electrochemical method.Surfaces of mineral grains investigated by the SEM method demonstrate differences in flocculation.Measured polarization curves allowed to reveal unequal electrochemical processes on surfaces of magnetite,hematite,and martite particles.X-ray analysis and Mssbauer data also confirmed the changes in compositions of the ores before and after applying of the electrochemical method.Magnetic properties of the studied species to be compared before and after the method application revealed relevant increasing for such parameters as magnetic viscosity(Svo),breaking saturation field(Hcr),magnetic susceptibility(χ),and specific magnetization(Is).
出处 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期155-162,共8页 Earth Science Frontiers
关键词 环境矿物学 铁矿 磁性 environmental mineralogy iron ores magnetic properties
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