目的:了解山西省某武警部队新兵的心理健康状况,为在武警部队中开展心理健康教育训练提供参考依据。方法:采用症状自评量表(self-reporting inventory)(SCL-90)(symptom check list-90),对山西省某武警部队637名新兵心理健康状况进行评定,并将结果与军人常模、男军人群体、中国新兵常模和全国青年常模进行比较。结果:有心理健康问题的武警新兵人数占总人数的33.4%;有心理障碍的武警新兵人数占总人数的3.5%;武警新兵心理健康状况优于军人群体、男军人群体、中国新兵常模、全国青年常模;文化程度、成长环境是影响武警新兵心理健康的主要因素。结论:在武警部队中应积极开展心理健康教育训练,以提高武警新兵的心理健康素质水平。
Objective: To leam psychological health conditions of recruits in a certain armed police of Shanxi Province and provide reference foundation for launching psychological health education practice among armed police's recruits. Methods: To evaluate the psychological health conditions of 637 recruits in a certain armed police of Shanxi Province with SCL-90 and compare the results with soldiery norm, male soldiery groups,recruits in China norm and ordinary Chinese youth. Results: The population ratio of armed police's recruits with psychological health problems takes up 33.4% of the total number; Population ratio of armed police's recruits with psYchological problems takes up 3.5% of the total number; Psychological health conditions of armed police's recruits are better than soldiery norm, male soldiery groups, recruits in China norm and ordinary Chinese youth. Cultural degree and residential area all affect the psychology health of armed police's recruits. Conclusion: To develop psychological health education practice among armed police in order to promote the armed police recruits'psychological health quality level.
Sci-Tech Information Development & Economy
armed police' s recruits
psychological health conditions
Shanxi Province