
大学生心理理论与抑郁、述情障碍、社交技能的关系 被引量:12

The Correlation between Depression、Alexithymia、Gregarious Skill and Theory of Mind.
摘要 目的分析大学生的心理理论、述情障碍、抑郁与社交技能的性别间差异和相关。方法健康大学生被试98名,采用眼区情绪识别、流调中心抑郁量表、多伦多述情障碍量表以及德克萨斯社会行为问卷测查心理理论、述情障碍、抑郁与社交技能力。结果男女性别间的心理理论能力和抑郁差异最显著(P<0.001),心理理论与述情障碍、抑郁和社交技能间相关有显著意义(P<0.05);抑郁对心理理论能力的预测作用明显(P<0.01)。结论根据不同性别间的差异加强日常心理的疏导调节;相关和预测效果可为神经生理机制的进一步研究提供参考。 Objective To analyze the sexual difference on theory of mind (TOM),depression,alexithymia and the gregarious skill;and explore their relationships. Methods Four surveys were conducted on ninety-eight healthy undergraduates from university in Hefei. The data is computed by SPSS. Results The sexual differences in ToM and depression are extremely significant (P 〈0.001);There are significant correlation between ToM, depression, alexithymia and the gregarious skill (P〈0. 05);The depression can influence the ToM(P〈0.01). Conclusion Meliorating the daily mental adjustment according to the sexual difference; The result of correlation and forecast provides the importantly referenced evidence for further research on neuroscience and physiology .
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2008年第12期1343-1345,共3页 China Journal of Health Psychology
关键词 心理理论 抑郁 述情障碍 社交技能 Theory of mind (TOM) Depression Alexithymia Gregarious skill
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