毕玉2号系毕节地区种子站用自选系苏110作母本,自选系毕106作父本育成的白粒紧凑型玉米杂交种,2000年11月通过贵州省毕节地区农作物品种审定委员会审定,具有较强的耐旱耐瘠能力和品质优良等特点,适宜在毕节地区海拔1 800 m以下及其他气候相似地区的旱坡地及肥水条件好的坝地种植,目前正在生产上大面积推广应用。
Biyu 2, a new hybrid maize variety with a compact plant type and white seeds, was bred from the inbred-line "Su110" (female)"Bi 106"(male) by Seed Station of Bijie Prefecture and was approved by Committee of Crops Variety Examination of Bijie Prefecture in 2000. Biyu 2 with good quality and strong resistance to drought and poor soil can be planted on the dry slope land and irrigated field with the high fertility below 1 800 meters above sea level in Bijie prefecture.
Guizhou Agricultural Sciences