1Stanley Baldwin,House of Commons[J].Debates,5th Series,Vol.270,cols:630-638.
2John C.Hopkins and Steven A.Maaranen,Post-Cold Post-Cold War Conflict Conflict Deterrence(nuclear weapons in post-cold war deterrence)[M].National Academy Press,1997.
3Aspin,Rep.Les,From Deterrence to Denuking:Dealing with Proliferation in the 1990s[C]//Informal paper given at the Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies.February 18,1992:83.
4John A.Warden III,The Air Campaign:Planningfor Combat[M].Brassey’s U.S,Books Express Publishing,1989:167.
5The White House.National Security Strategy of the United States of America[Z].September 2002:15.
6Department of Defense,Office of the Secretary of Defense,Nuclear Posture Review briefing,Washington,D.C.,September 22,1994.