With the development of the movement of decriminalization worldwide, the notion and study on the victimless crime come into being. However, the concept of victimless crime has not been unified and accurately defined by penal scholars, both home and abroad. The value of defining the concept of victimless crime is mainly from the perspective of criminal legislation policy. Yet defining the victimless crime from the perspective of criminal legislation policy has to make itself sensible in light of criminology instead of criminal law. Why, then, name it as a "non-victim" crime? It is argued that one should examine the specific context in which the concept of "victimless" first appeared and those special acts it referred to to understand its restrictive meaning, rather than interpreting it literally in a purely logical way. In fact, the "victim" in this context has not yet been taken to refer to a certain state or society being victimized ; it is just the situation where no direct individual victim can be found.
Journal of Capital Normal University:Social Science Edition