
OPNET在舰艇作战系统数据网中的应用 被引量:2

Network Simulation of Warship Combat Systems Based on OPNET
摘要 提供了一种优化分析和评估舰艇作战系统网络的新方法。通过选用OPNET系列的通信网络仿真软件Modeler,建立舰艇作战系统数据网的模型,对各节点的应用层信息流、节点接口、节点行为的建模,实现了整个作战网络的信息交互功能。通过对作战系统数据网信息流的仿真,得到网络延迟、流量、链路利用率等网络性能,并分析了网络复杂性随作战进程变化的情况以及舰艇网络的可靠性。 In this paper a new method for optimizing and evaluating the network of warship combat system was suggested. Models of naval vessel combat system data net, and information flow of application layer,interface and behavior for each node were built up by OPNET's series cross-domain communication simulation software Modeler, the cross-domain communication for the whole combat system data net was realized. Network performances such as delay, flow and the utilization ratio of link circuits were obtained by simulation of the information flows for the combat system data net, thus the variation of network complexity with combat progress and the reliability of network were verified.
出处 《中国舰船研究》 2008年第5期72-76,共5页 Chinese Journal of Ship Research
基金 航空科学基金(20075184008)
关键词 舰艇 作战系统 OPNET 网络仿真 naval vessel combat system network simulation OPNET
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