Objective To assess the value of three dimensional CT angiography (3D-CTA) in diagnosis and therapy of intracranial aneurysms. Methods After diagnosed as subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), 3D-CTA of 136 patients were reconstructed. DSA was performed in 95 patients, while 41 patients were proved by operation. Results 3D-CTA showed clearly the size of aneurysms and its spatial relationship with origin arteria, adjacent branch arteria and Cranii. Accurate rate of 3D-CTA diagnosis for aneurysms was 98.4% with a false positive rate of 1.6% and a false negative rate of 0. Conclusion 3D-CTA is a noninvasive, fast and accurate technique for intraeranial anettrysm diagnosis. 3D-CTA shows the spatial relationship between the aneurysms and origin arteria, adjacent branch arteria and Crarlii clearly, which is helpful for final decision of operative approach and manner.
Chinese Journal of Neurosurgical Disease Research