
介孔纳米钼酸钡粉末的制备及表征 被引量:3

Preparation and Characterization of Mesoporous Barium Molybdate Nano-powders
摘要 本文采用沉淀法以非离子表面活性剂、乙醇及可溶性盐的混合体系为模板,通过温度控制,成功制备出介孔纳米钼酸钡材料。采用XRD、TEM、Raman以及FT-IR对材料的晶体结构、形貌及谱学特性进行表征分析。实验结果表明,该材料的孔径为3.62nm左右,且钼酸钡晶体的空间群为I41/a,其晶胞具有对称中心,属于D4h点群。另外,探讨了可能的成孔机理。 The mesoporous barium molybdate nano-materials have been successfully prepared by preciptation method using nonionic-surfactants, ethanol and dissoluble salt as template, through controling the change of temperature. The crystal structure, morphology and spectral properties of the materials were characterized by XRD, TEM, Raman and FT-IR. The experimental results indicate that the pore sizes of the materials are about 3.62 nm. The space group of barium molybdate crystals is I41/a, and the crystal cell with symmetry center belongs to D4h point group. In addition, the possible pore-forming mechanism has been disscussed.
出处 《人工晶体学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期1385-1389,共5页 Journal of Synthetic Crystals
基金 江苏省高技术项目资助(No.BG2007047)
关键词 模板剂 介孔材料 谱学特性 表征 template mesoporous materials spectral properties characterization
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