文中提供了在motorola CDMA2000系统基于CDL对掉话进行分析、解决的方法,该方法将大部分数据采集、分析和解决工作转移到后台完成,具有快速、准确、节约的特点。在掉话原理和优化措施的基础上,提出了基于CDL中与掉话相关的条目,结合CLI命令和无线环境分析、解决掉话的方法,并通过一个案例分析过程说明该方法。
This paper provides a analysis on drop call by CDL in the motorola CDMAsystem. The method shifts most of the data collection and analysis and settlement work to the completion of background, and it is rapid, accurate and economical. The method analyzes drop call by CDL with the relevant CLI and radio environment based on the CDL entries related with the drop call.
Communications Technology