

Pragmatics Web services discovery based on concept meaning of participants context
摘要 为了使得语义Web服务的发现结果与服务请求者的意图更加一致,提高服务发现的准确性,改善服务发现和选择的自动化性能。在服务描述中增加了对于服务提供者和服务请求者的上下文知识的表示,使用规划的方法完成服务参与者之间对于私有的上下文本体概念意图的理解。实验表明,该方法能够有效提高发现的准确性,在使用标准服务测试集进行服务发现实验时,尽管概念规划使得服务发现时间有所增加,但服务发现的准确性得到很大提高,尤其对于描述服务领域本体语义差异较大的情况,服务发现的结果更为准确。 In order to make a better agreement on both the discovery results of Semantic Web services and the intentions of the service requester, advance the accuracy rate of service discovery, and improve the automation performance in service discovery and selection, the context knowledge of service provider and requester was added into service description, and the planning method was employed to achieve the meaning understanding for the private ontology concepts between service participants. Experiments using the standard services test sets show that the performance of service discovery was improved significantly, though the discovery was delayed. In particular, when domain ontologies that are used to describe concerning services have many semantics difference, the result of discovering services is more precise.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期224-226,241,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60673170)
关键词 语用WEB服务 本体 语义WEB pragmatics Web services ontology semantic Web
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