针对中国石油大庆炼化公司1.0Mt/a 催化裂化装置采用的洛阳石化工程公司开发的 FDFCC-Ⅰ工艺技术工业化情况进行了分析。由标定结果可以看出:该技术能够灵活适应市场变化,调整产品结构;汽油改质和增产丙烯的效果十分显著,改质后汽油烯烃含量满足了 GB 17930—2006标准的要求,丙烯收率较常规催化高5.0%以上。但对催化汽油馏分单独进行改质时,催化裂化装置目的产品收率因此降低和能耗增加。
This article summarizes the industrial application of FDFCC -Ⅰ process technology,which was developed by Luoyang Petrochemi- cal Engineering Company,in the 1.OMt/a FCC unit at PetroChina Daqing Refining and Chemical Company.The test run data shows that this technology can flexibly adjust product structure according to market change,and remarkably improve gasoline quality and propylene yield. Olefin content in upgraded gasoline meets the requirements of GB17930 -2006,and propylene yield is 5.0wt% higher than that of conven- tional FCC technology.
Petrochemical Design