
跨音速轴流压气机叶片造型及数值仿真 被引量:5

Blade Form and Numerical Investigation of Transonic Compressor
摘要 针对跨音速轴流压气机的多圆弧叶片,提出了一种基于锥面展开面的叶片造型方法。设计了某型压气机第一级转子,通过三维粘性流计算软件NUMECA对此孤立转子进行了性能仿真,仿真结果与实验结果符合较好;分析了叶型厚度分布对转子性能的影响:采用标准厚度分布对叶片重新生成,并与多圆弧叶片进行了对比,结果表明用标准厚度生成的叶片更薄一些,性能也更佳;同时当叶型最大厚度的位置后移时,转子的稳定工作范围变宽,效率略有降低。 This investigation developed a blade - design computer program composed of multiple - circular - arc (MCA) blade element based on computer language FORTRAN. The first stage rotor of a compressor was designed, and it was analyzed with FINE/NUMECA. The result showed the agreement between numerical and experimental investigations. At the same time, the effect of blade element thickness distribution on rotor performance was investigated. The blade was redesigned by standard thickness distribution, and it was compared with original blade. The results show that the blade formed with standard thickness distribution is thinner and its performance is better simultaneously. The range of stable work is widened and efficiency drops a little when the position of max thickness moves back.
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 2008年第12期58-61,共4页 Computer Simulation
关键词 跨音速压气机 叶片 多圆弧叶型 数值模拟 Transonic axial compressor Blade MCA blade element Numerical investigation
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