
GPS软件接收机相关器的设计 被引量:1

Design of a New Correlator Applied to GPS Software Receiver
摘要 传统GPS接收机内部往往使用专用集成芯片进行基带处理。针对其成本高、可配置性低的缺点,提出了一种新型软件相关器。采用Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0对硬件相关器进行软件模拟,并使用逐位并行算法将大量的乘法运算转换成异或运算,大大减小了软件相关器的运算量。为了进一步验证该软件相关器的可行性,采用含有该相关器的GPS软件接收机对实际GPS信号进行处理,结果表明该软件相关器完全能够满足信号捕获与跟踪过程中的相关运算要求。 Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) are often used during base -band mixing in traditional GPS reeeivers. And low eonfigurability and high cost are the main weaknesses. Thus, a new kind of software eorr- elator was presented here. Microsoft Visual C + + 6. 0 was used to carry out the software simulation of the hardware eorrelators. And in the software eorrelator, the operation was greatly speeded by the bit - wise parallel algorithm which changed large numbers of muhiplieations into exclusive - or operations. A GPS software receiver which contained the mentioned software eorrelator was used to process the received GPS signals. The experimental results indicated that the software eorrelator could completely meet the needs of the signal acquisition and tracking.
作者 翟传润 张婧
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 2008年第12期74-76,共3页 Computer Simulation
基金 上海市重大科技攻关项目(05dz15006)
关键词 全球定位系统 逐位并行算法 相关器 Global positioning system (GPS) Bit- wise parallel algorithm Correlator
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