
可视球面海浪建模与绘制 被引量:4

Modeling and Rendering of Ocean Waves on Visual Spherical Surface
摘要 大规模海浪的快速建模和绘制是目前的研究热点,如何建立球面海浪模型和对可视球面海浪区域进行多分辨采样,是在数字地球平台上实现大规模海浪实时模拟的关键。为解决此问题,结合现有算法,考虑球面曲率影响,提出了球面海浪模型,以及相应的屏幕细分算法和海陆判断算法,解决了球面海浪模型存在的高纬度"压缩"现象,将计算和绘制限制在视点相关的可视球面海浪区域。实验表明,该方法适合大规模海浪仿真,其绘制效果逼真性好,速度快,能满足交互应用的需求。 Rapid modeling and rendering of large scale ocean wave is a research hotspot at present. How to modeling sphere ocean wave and sampling the visual ocean part of sphere is the key of real-time simulation of large-scale ocean waves on digital earth. In order to solve these questions, integrating the previous algorithm and considering the curvature, sphere ocean model, judging between ocean and land and screen-subdivision algorithm were proposed. The "compress phenomenon " at high latitude was resolved by the sphere ocean model. Computation and rendering of ocean waves were restricted within the visual sphere part with the presented algorithm. The experimental results show that these methods are effective and appropriate to adapted to realistic and real-time rendering of large-scale ocean wave.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第24期6730-6735,共6页 Journal of System Simulation
关键词 海浪建模与绘制 屏幕细分算法 海陆判断算法 海洋边界矢量 modeling and rendering of ocean waves screen-subdivision algorithm judging between ocean and land ocean border vector data
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