

Electronic transport properties of the In-Sn20 melt
摘要 文章以直流四电极法和微差法分别测量了In-Sn20合金熔体的电导率σ和热电势S随温度的变化,并对不同温度下的熔体进行了X射线衍射实验。结果表明,合金熔体的电导率和热电势均在远高于液相线几百度的温区内发生了突变,且2种电子输运性质的突变温度一致,表明合金熔体在升温过程中可能发生了某种结构转变。利用Fiber-Ziman理论及赝势模型,计算并分析了合金熔体的电子状态密度N(EF)及其随能量的变化率dN(EF)/dE,发现N(EF)和dN(EF)/dE在一定温度范围内也随温度发生了突变。 In this paper,the electronic conductivity σ and thermoelectric power S of the liquid In-Sn20 alloy which varies with temperatures were simultaneously investigated. Some abnormal phenomena at certain temperature ranges were observed on both σT and S-T curves of the melt. The a and S of liquid In Sn20 alloy were analyzed by the Fiher-Ziman theory and the pseudogap model of liquid semiconductors. According to this model, it is found that the density of states, N(EF), and its gradient value, dN(EF)/dE, also had abnormal phenomena at the same temperature range.
出处 《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期1961-1964,共4页 Journal of Hefei University of Technology:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50371024 50571033) 教育部科学技术研究重点资助项目(104106)
关键词 液态结构 电导率 热电势 In-Sn20合金 liquid structure electronic conductivity thermoelectric power In-Sn20 alloy
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