
煤粉再燃燃烧碳氢组分转化机理的数值模拟 被引量:1

Numerical Simulation of Hydrocarbon Transforming Mechanism During Coal Reburning
摘要 以GRI 3.0数据库为基础,结合CHEMKIN模块软件中敏感性分析的方法对煤热解挥发分中碳氢组分转化反应机理进行了数值模拟.结果表明:自由基H、O、OH是启动一系列重要基元反应的活化基;轻质烃本身对NO基本没有还原作用,通过转化为CHi基元后,直接与NO发生还原反应降低NO的排放;CHi直接对NO进行还原时,CH3为主要的还原物质,其反应最终稳定的产物主要是对NO的还原有促进作用的HCN;在O、O2等氧化剂存在的条件下,这些碳氢基也会被直接氧化成CO、CO2等产物,在一定程度上减弱碳氢基对NO的还原效果. On the basis of GRI 3.0 data base, numerical simulation of hydrocarbon transforming mechanism using sensitive analysis method of CHEMKIN is discussed. The results show that H, O and OH are activated groups which are necessary to start up a series of important radical reactions. Light hydrocarbon itself has no effect on the reduction of NO. Generally, it is transformed into CH~, which can react with NO to reduce NO emission effectively. During the reaction between CHi and NO, CH3 acts as the main reductive component and reduces NO directly. The final main reaction on product is HCN which has promoter action on reducing NO. On the contrary, when O, O2 and other oxidizers exist, these hydrocarbon groups may be directly oxidized into CO, CO2 and so on, which will reduce the efficiency for NO reduction to some extent.
出处 《燃烧科学与技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期540-544,共5页 Journal of Combustion Science and Technology
关键词 敏感性分析 基元反应 碳氢组分 转化机理 sensitive analysis radical reaction hydrocarbon transforming mechanism
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