选用盐酸、硫酸、饱和硫酸钠3种腐蚀溶液对聚合物水泥砂浆的耐腐蚀性能进行系统研究。研究结果表明:聚合物水泥砂浆在5%的盐酸溶液中浸泡30 d,90 d,180 d后其强度保持率均高于普通水泥砂浆;在饱和硫酸钠溶液中浸泡180 d后其抗折强度保持率超过100%;而在5%的硫酸溶液中随时间的增长,其抗压强度保持率的下降趋势平缓,浸泡180 d其抗压强度保持率基本维持在29%以上。掺入聚合物后水泥砂浆的密实性明显提高,而且形成柔性的网状胶膜结构,有效地提高了聚合物水泥砂浆的耐盐酸侵蚀性能。
The corrosion resistance of polymer modified mortar is experimentally studied with three corrosive solutions such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid and sodium sulphate solution. Results show that the remaining strength ratio of polymer modified mortar is higher than that of ordinary mortar after immersed in 5% hydrochloric acid solution for 30, 90,180 days, the remaining strength ratio of polymer modified mortar is higher than 100% after immersed in 5% sodium sulphate solution for 180 days, the remaining strength ratio of polymer modified mortar decreases more slowly over time and the ratio is higher than 29% after immersed in sulfuric acid solution for 180 days. When add the polymer to the mortar, the density of the mortar increases obviously and the platium film adhesive structure appears which could effectively lead to the improvement of the anti-corrosion performance of the polymer modified mortar.
Advances in Science and Technology of Water Resources