In 30 Critical Quatrains, Yuan Haowen honestly expressed his view of the poets, the poetry schools and the works that appeared during the period ranging form the Han Dynasty to the Song Dynasty. When commenting on Huang Tingjian, the founder of the Jiangxi poetry school, the author holds that though Huang should be credited for his role in the development of Song poetry, yet he should also be blamed for advocating the misleading notion which held that any literary works created by those with knowledge and talent should be regarded as poems. As for the Jiangxi poetry school's invariable and uncreative imitation of the previous poetry, Yuan haowen voiced his fierce criticism for their lack of courage to face the reality. On the issue of learning from the previous poets, Yuan Haowen balanced the relationship between imitation and innovation. It's fair to say his poetic thoughts exert a profound and instructive role in the creation of poetry.
Journal of Zhaotong Teacher's College
the theory of poetry
Yuan Haowen
Huang Tingjian
Jiangxi poetry sehool