
ZrnPdm(n+m≤5)混合团簇的密度泛函研究 被引量:3

A DFT study of Zr_nPd_m(n+m≤5) mixed clusters
摘要 在相对论有效原子实势(RECP)近似和密度泛函(B3LYP)方法基础上,优化计算了ZrnPdm(n+m≤5)混合团簇的结构、团簇基态的平均结合能、离解能、最高占据轨道与最低空轨道之间的能级间隙.结果表明,ZrnPdm(n+m≤5)混合团簇成员存在多种异构体,且易于形成密堆积结构;Zr原子与团簇结合得更为紧密,团簇稳定性随Zr数目的增大而增加,在钯中掺入锆可以大大提高合金的稳定性;锆钯混合团簇易得电子,得电子的能力高于纯锆团簇,在钯中掺入锆可以提高合金的化学活性. The structures of ZrnPdm(n+m≤5) mixed clusters have been optimized, and their ground state averaged blinding energy, fragmentation,HOMO-LUNO gap have been computed by the Density Functional Theory (DFT) method with Relativistic Effective Core Potential(RECP) in Gaussian 03 program. The results show that the Zr-Pd mixed clusters have many possible isomers, and their stable structures of three dimensions are formed more easily. The results also indicate that the stability of Zr-Pd mixed clusters increases as the number of Zr atoms increase and for the clusters with doped Zr in pure Pd, the stability and chemical activation are enhanced.
作者 朱俊 金蓉
出处 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期1328-1334,共7页 Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics
基金 四川省科技攻关项目(05SG022-013-3)
关键词 密度泛函 有效原子实势 团簇 稳定结构 effective core potential, density function, cluster, stable structure
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