介绍了一个针对全球定位系统接收机的全集成差分LC压控振荡器设计。该设计采用互补交叉耦合晶体管对结构,去掉了尾电流源以消除其热噪声对相位噪声的影响。考虑到低功耗低相位噪声表现,文中给出设计步骤。该设计经台积电0.18μm射频CMOS工艺进行流片验证。在1.5 V的供电电压下,VCO振荡于3.14 GHz,仅消耗1.2 mA。在频偏600 kHz和1 MHz的情况下,其相位噪声分别为-113 dBc/Hz和-118 dBc/Hz。
This paper describes a fully integrated differential LC VCO optimal design for Global Positioning System (GPS) application. The VCO adopts a topology which implements complementary MOS cross-cou- pled pairs with LC tank and discarding the tail current source. Considering low-power low-phase noise per- forrnance, design procedures are illustrated in this paper. Fabricated in 0. 18 μm TSMC RFCMOS technol- ogy,the VCO oscillates at 3. 14 GHz, it consumes only 1.2 mA at 1.5 V power supply voltage. It features a phase noise of --11 3 dBc/Hz and --118 dBc/Hz at 600 kHz and 1 MHz frequency offset respectively.
Chinese Journal of Electron Devices