
基于左手介质的小型微带天线 被引量:3

A Small Broadband Microstrip Antenna(MSA) Based on DNG
摘要 用左手材料设计一种宽频带并且电尺寸小的微带天线,先用开口谐振环和金属杆设计出左手材料,并把它放在微带天线的基板中,利用左手材料的相位补偿特性实现了宽带微带天线的小型化设计。数值仿真结果表明,工作于10.5GHz时,加载了左手材料的微带天线的物理尺寸被大大减小了,天线尺寸从下降到0.21λ,突破了传统微带天线的半波长限制,并且相对带宽增加了5.31%,实现了微带天线的小型化设计。 A small broadband microstrip antenna (MSA) is proposed based on compact double negative (DNG) metal material, which is constructed by modified split ring resonator (MSRRs) and metal strip, and it is embedded into the substrate of microstrip antenna to construct a phase-compensating substrate for the small microstrip antenna. The simulation result shows that the DNG fillings can greatly reduce the physical dimension from 0.5λ, to 0.21λ, when working at 10.5GHZ, it breaks through the half-wavelength restrict of traditional microstrip antenna, and the relative bandwith increased by 5.31 percent, then a small broadband microstrip antenna is realized successfully.
作者 金秀华
出处 《山西电子技术》 2008年第6期56-58,共3页 Shanxi Electronic Technology
关键词 微带天线 左手材料 相位补偿 宽带 小型化 microstrip antenna left hand material phase-compensating broadband small
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