
儿童情绪理解能力研究综述 被引量:4

Review on the Research of Children's Ability of Emotional Understanding
摘要 情绪理解是儿童心理理论的重要组成部分,幼儿阶段是儿童情绪理解迅速发展的时期,它在儿童的社会交往中具有不容忽视的作用。研究表明,儿童的情绪理解可分为基于面部表情的、愿望和信念的理解。情绪理解与情绪调节、同伴关系、亲社会行为发展之间关系的研究和家庭对儿童情绪理解的影响的研究也是研究者们的关注点。 Emotional understanding is an important part of children' s theory of mind. Emotional understanding increasingly develops on the preschool stage, which can not be neglected in children' s social communication. Many researches have revealed that emotional understanding can be divided into three periods: facial expressions, wishes and beliefs. And the relationships between emotional understanding and emotional regulation, between emotional understanding and peer relationship, between emotional understanding and prosocial behavior, and between emotional understanding and family's influence on children have been focused on by researchers. Based on the conclusion of children's emotional understanding, this paper puts forward the possibility of the research on development trend of methods and contents.
作者 李娟
出处 《晋中学院学报》 2008年第6期87-92,共6页 Journal of Jinzhong University
关键词 儿童情绪 理解能力 心理理论 children' s emotion ability of understanding theory of mind
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