
论金融发展理论的演进与前沿 被引量:8

On evolution and leading edge of finance development theory
摘要 金融发展理论是发展经济学在金融领域的延伸与拓展,金融发展与经济增长密切相关。金融发展理论演进过程主要经历了金融深化论、金融约束论、实证金融发展理论和可持续发展理论等几个阶段。金融发展理论的前沿研究主要集中在法与金融学、金融发展的新政治经济学理论、宗教与文化对金融发展理论影响以及社会资本理论与自然禀赋理论等几个方面。 The finance development theory is the extending and spreading of development economics in finance field, and there is a close relation between finance development and economic growth. Finance development theory main experiences such periods as finance deepening theory, finance restraining theory, demonstration finance development theory and sustainable finance development theory. The leading research of finance development theory focuses on law and finance, new political economics of finance development, the influence of religion and culture on finance development theory, social capital theory and natural endowment theory.
作者 胡胜 朱新蓉
出处 《重庆工商大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第6期15-18,共4页 Journal of Chongqing Technology and Business University:Social Science Edition
关键词 金融发展理论 发展经济学 金融深化论 金融约束论 金融资源论 finance development theory development economics finance deepening theory finance restraining theory finance resource theory
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