

Pricing strategy of monopoly platform based on users' intrinsic characteristics of risk in two-sided market
摘要 双边市场在现代经济中的重要性与日俱增。双边市场中平台企业的定价策略是双边市场的一个极其重要的问题。双边市场定价策略的影响因素有很多,然而,双边市场两侧用户内在风险特性对平台企业的定价策略和收益结构的影响尚未专门研究,值得关注。通过构造的一个风险杠杆指标,将用户的内在风险特征因素引进到了双边市场定价问题中来。结论表明,用户的内在风险特性及其不同组合,对平台企业的定价策略和收益结构有重要影响。 The importance of two - sided market in modem economic system is larger and larger. Pricing strategy of platform is an important issue in two - sided market. ,Although a lot of factors influence pricing strategy of market, the effect of the intrinsic characteristics of risk of two - sided users on pricing structure of platform has not been studied and is worth studying. Through an index of risk lever, the effect of intrinsic characteristic of risk of two - sided users is identified by this paper. The conclusions indicate that the pricing strategy of platform and earning structure have been greatly influenced by the two - sided users' risk levers and their varied combinations.
作者 黄居林
出处 《重庆工商大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第6期36-40,共5页 Journal of Chongqing Technology and Business University:Social Science Edition
基金 重庆工商大学青年科研基金资助项目成果 合同编号:0651020
关键词 双边市场 平台 价格结构 风险杠杆 two - sided market platform price structure risk lever
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