目的探讨儿保医生在发育性髋关节发育不良(Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip,DDH)普查及早期诊断中的作用。方法将2003年1月1日-2007年12月31日在宁波市基层妇幼保健机构进行健康体检儿童中,疑有DDH的81例患儿转入宁波市妇幼保健院摄片检查,确诊22例,并进行临床分析。结果在22例确诊病例中,髋关节发育不良8例,髋关节半脱位或脱位14例。男4例,女18例;最小年龄42天,最大年龄19个月。治疗21例,全部恢复正常,有1例系流动人口,未治疗。结论基层妇幼保健机构在儿童健康体检时进行髋关节普查是可行的,可以提高DDH的检出率,加强对DDH的防治,儿保医生在DDH的早期诊断中能发挥重要的作用,其预后是理想的,工作中要加强对流动人口的管理和DDH的宣传教育。
OBJECTIVE To study child health care doctor' s role in the general investigation and early diagnosis of developmental dysplasia of the hip(DDH). METHODS 81 children suspected of DDH, transported to Ningbo Maternial and Children Health Hospital from layer hospitals, underwent the X-ray examination during the period of Jan.1, 2003 to Dec.31, 2007. 22 cases were confirmed diagnosis and carried on clinical analysis. RESULTS 22 cases confirmed diagnosis included 8 with hip dysplasia and 14 with subluxation or dislocation of hip, male was 4, female was 18, the youngest was 42 days old, the oldest was 19 months old, 21 cases accepted treatment recovered, 1 case unaccepted treatment was floating people. CONCLUSION When children are underwent physical examination in layer maternity and children healthy hospital, general investigation of DDH is feasible. It can improve detection rate of DDH and enhance the prevention and control on DDH. Child health care doctor can play an important role in the early diagnosis of DDH, it is necessary to improve the management for floating children and to provide efficient health education of DDH.
Chinese Primary Health Care