
论胡耀邦在真理标准问题讨论中的智慧和贡献 被引量:2

On Hu Yaobang's Contribution and Wisdom in the Discussion of the Criterion of Truth
摘要 粉碎"四人帮"后,中国仍有两大难题亟待解决:"两个凡是"和大量的冤假错案。胡耀邦以非凡的胆识和勇气,办好了这两件影响中国未来政局的大事,在中共历史上写下了光彩的一页。面对当时中央主要领导人坚持的"两个凡是",为了拨乱反正、正本清源,胡耀邦认为首先要从整体上把理论问题、思想问题解决好,并且提出只能以实践作为检验真理、检验路线正确与否的标准。1978年5月,经过胡耀邦亲自审阅的《实践是检验真理的唯一标准》一文,先后在《理论动态》和《光明日报》发表,并在党内和思想政治领域内引发了一场大讨论。这场讨论不仅是理论上的问题,而且关系到思想路线和政治路线,意义十分重大。历史表明胡耀邦是真理标准问题讨论的组织者,而邓小平则是最有力的推动者。这场讨论冲破教条主义和"两个凡是"的精神枷锁,推动了思想解放,为中共十一届三中全会作了思想上理论上的准备,为我党彻底否定"文化大革命",推行新政,改革开放铺平了道路。作为站在大讨论最前列的历史伟人邓小平和胡耀邦,开创了一个拨乱反正的新时代,使中华民族复兴有望,历史将永远记住他们。 There still remained two issues to be settled after the downfall of 'the Gang of Four', namely, the 'two whatevers' and many cases in which people were unjustly, falsely or wrongly charged or sentenced. Hu Yaobang settled these two affairs that would affect the political situation in China, and made great contribution. Confronting the 'two whatevers' hold by the key leaders of the central government, Hu maintained that priority should be given to the solution to the problems in theory and ideology, and proposed that practice be the criteria to test any truth and policy. He went over the article titled Pratiee is the Only Way to Test Truth and had it published in May, 1978 in Theoretical Trends and Guangming Daily, which brought forth a heated discussion in the Party, the ideological and political field. The discussion concerning theoretical issues as well as ideological and political route bears profound significance. History proves that Hu Yaobang was the organizer of the discussion about the criterion to test truth, and that Deng Xiaoping was the leading promoter. The discussion which breaks through doctrinairism and the constrains of the ' two whatevers', promotes the ideological emancipation movement, prepares ideologically and theoretically for the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the CPC and the thorough negation of the 'cultural revolution', lays solid foundation for the promotion of new, reform and opening-up policy. As leaders standing in the forefront in the discussion, Deng Xiaoping and Hu Yaobang inaugurate a new era that brings order out of chaos and hopes of national rejuvenation. They will be remembered as great men in history.
作者 钟康模
出处 《广东教育学院学报》 2008年第6期1-16,共16页 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute
关键词 胡耀邦 真理标准 讨论 邓小平 贡献 Hu Yaobang the criterion of truth discussion Deng Xiaoping contribution
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