
海峡两岸经贸关系分析 被引量:6

Analyses of Cross-strait Economic and Trade Relations
摘要 海峡两岸的经贸交流从1979年开始,至今已经历了近30年的发展。我们可以将这近30年来海峡两岸经贸往来的历史划分为三个时期。时至今日,大陆已经稳居台湾第一大贸易伙伴、第一大出口市场以及最大贸易顺差来源地。与此同时,大陆已成为台商对外投资的最大目的地。台商投资大陆既有利于大陆经济发展,又有利于岛内经济结构调整升级和企业发展壮大,促进了两岸的互利双赢。2008年以来,在全球经济不景气的情况下,海峡两岸双边贸易额继续快速增长。当前,世界经济正面临困难,唯有中国大陆经济仍保持着稳步快速的增长,其所带来的市场前景非常广阔,因此,预计台商对大陆投资仍会持续增加。另一方面我们也应看到,两岸间稳定的经济合作机制尚未建立,两岸经贸关系呈现出间接、单向、不平衡的局面,有待于进一步正常化。在当前金融危机的背景下,两岸之间的金融合作也显得更为迫切。 Cross-strait economic and trade exchanges, which began in 1979, can be divided into three periods. To date, China has become Taiwan' s largest trading partner, largest export market and largest source of trade surplus. At the same time, the mainland has become Taiwan's largest investment destination. Taiwan Residents investments in China's Mainland is conducive to both the mainland' s economic development, and to the island's economic restructuring and upgrading and the development of local enterprises, which is a win-win strategy for both sides. Since 2008, despite the global economic downturn, the volume of bilateral trade across the Strait continues to grow rapidly. At present, with the world's economy facing great difficulties, China' s economy still maintains a steady and rapid growth, and it will definitely bring about a very bright market prospect. So it is expected that Taiwan Residents investments in the mainland will continue to increase. On the other hand, we should notice that a stable cross-strait economic cooperation mechanism has not yet been established, cross-strait direct, comprehensive, two-way "three links" have not yet been achieved, and the indirect, one-way, unbalanced situation should be improved.
作者 朱邦宁
机构地区 中共中央党校
出处 《北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2008年第4期34-36,共3页 Journal of Beijing Union University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 海峡两岸 贸易 投资 分析 two sides across the Taiwan Strait trade investments
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