
基于光纤传感系统的石油测井技术进展 被引量:5

A Survey of FBG System Based Oil Logging Technology
摘要 随着国际原油价格的上涨,各种有利于提高采油率的测井技术越来越受到重视。光纤传感器由于其耐高温、耐腐蚀以及具有分布式在线监测能力等独特的特点,在智能化油井系统中受到西方各大石油公司的青睐。本文首先介绍国外在光纤温度、压力等在线监测以及智能化系统方面的工程技术最新进展以及发展趋势,然后介绍山东省科学院与中国石油大学合作在光纤高温、高压测井以及光纤地震检波器的研究进展。报告了采用普通和耐高温光纤光栅制作的温度、压力传感器的实验结果,以及基于极高灵敏度的光纤DFB激光器的光纤声波检测的实验结果。 Many oil well logging technologies that are benefit for the improvement of the oil extraction rate are increasingly emphasized with the rise of the international price of crude oil. An optical fiber sensor, an emerging sensor in an intellectual oil well system, is favored by some famous Western petroleum corporations for its exclusive characteristics of thermostabilization, anticorrosion, the distributed online surveillance capability, etc. We initially introduce some latest international progresses and development trends in the aspects of the online surveillance of optical fiber temperature and pressure and the intellectualized system, and then present the progress of the collaboration project between Shandong Academy of Sciences and China Petroleum University inthe aspects of high temperature and high pressure oil well logging and optical fiber geophone. We also present the experimental results that are obtained by temperature and pressure sensor made with ordinary and thermostable optical fiber grating and the extremely high sensitivity ootical fiber DFB laser based optical fiber acoustic detection.
出处 《山东科学》 CAS 2008年第6期27-32,共6页 Shandong Science
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAK04B00)
关键词 光纤传感器 智能油井 高温 高压 声波 测井 optical fiber sensor intelligent oil well high temperature high pressure acoustics welllogging
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