目的:探讨以健康教育和行为干预相结合的高血压社区综合干预效果。方法:在杭州市5个城区分别选取1个社区,每个社区随机抽取高血压户和非高血压户各100户,共计2 590人,进行为期一年的限盐行为干预和健康教育,比较干预前后人群知信行水平和摄盐量的变化。结果:干预后11项知信行指标均有显著性提高(P<0.05),高血压和非高血压人群摄盐量<6克者均明显增加,由干预前34.56%上升43.02%(P<0.05)。结论:健康教育和行为干预结合的社区综合干预模式是控制高血压的重要措施,也适合在一般人群中进一步推广。
Objective To explore effects of comprehensive intervention mode on hypertension by combination of health education and behavior intervention in communities. Methods one community was selected from every district among 5 districts in Hangzhou. 100 families with hypertension patient and 100 families without hypertension patient were drawn randomly from every community and the sample size was 2590. Changes on knowledge, attitude, belief practice and behaviors on salt intake were analyzed after one--year intervention and health education. Resuhs 11 indexes rose significantly after the intervention (P〈0.05). Percentage ofsubjects whose iodine daily perturbation salt lower than 6g shifted from 34.56% to 43.02% with the intervention both for the hypertension and the non-- hypertension (P〈0. 05). Conclusions Comprehensive intervention mode in communities combining health education and behavior intervention was an important way on hypertension control and suitable for promotion among general population.
Chinese Rural Health Service Administration