
3D Numerical Simulation of Projectile Penetration into Concrete Target

3D Numerical Simulation of Projectile Penetration into Concrete Target
摘要 Basing on the explicit instantaneous dynamics software MSC-Dytran and the general coupling arithmetic, the process of the projectile penetration into concrete target was simulated with the point-line-surfacebody modeling method. Simulation results are in agreement with experimental results. The simulated data could provide design reference for the defense engineering construction and penetrator design. Basing on the explicit instantaneous dynamics software MSC-Dytran and the general coupling arithmetic, the process of the projectile penetration into concrete target was simulated with the point-line-surfacebody modeling method. Simulation results are in agreement with experimental results. The simulated data could provide design reference for the defense engineering construction and penetrator design.
出处 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2008年第4期379-383,共5页 北京理工大学学报(英文版)
基金 Sponsored by the Ministerial Level Advanced Research Foundation (51309)
关键词 PROJECTILE PENETRATION concrete target SIMULATION projectile penetration concrete target simulation
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