With peaceful situation,well-regulated political environment,economical prosperity,and happy people with stable life,not only was chinese feudel economic systerm improved gradually,but some new economic system arose,which was followed by Song and Ming dynasties.Tea taxation,starting from Tang dynasty and followed by Song and Ming dynasties,ranks very high in chinese history.studying the shift of tea tax polily in Tang dynasty is of great pratical significance to develop chinese tea economy and carry forwwad chinese tea cultural heritage.
With peaceful situation, well- regulated political environment, economical prosperity, and happy people with stable life,not only was chinese feudel economic systenn improved gradually,but some new economic system arose, which was followed by Song and Ming dynasties. Tea taxation, starting from Tang dynasty and followed by Song and Ming dynasties, ranks very high in chinese history, studying the shift of tea tax polily in Tang dynasty is of great pmtical significance to develop chinese tea economy and carry forwwad chinese tea cultural heritage.
Agricultural Archaeology