
底浮箱式防波堤消浪性能、锚链张力及运动轨迹的试验研究 被引量:3

Experimental Study of Wave Dissipation ,Strain of the Mooring Anchor Chain and Motion of the Floating Breakwater
摘要 通过物理模型试验,底浮箱式防波堤在定水深和锚碇固位,受规则波、水流作用下,对浮堤的运动状态进行试验研究。对在波浪单独作用和波、流共同作用时,浮堤的消浪性能和锚链张力进行比较性试验,并对浮堤在波浪单独作用下的运动轨迹进行描述。试验结果表明,波浪单独作用的浮堤消浪效果好于波、流共同存在时;锚链张力的变化趋势基本相同;由于浮堤的堤宽与波长相比仅是1/6~1/3,浮堤两弦之间的相位差仅为(1/3~1/1.6)π,因此,浮堤的摇摆角度并不大。 The experimental study on the motion of the floating breakwater moored by the anchor chains in the fixed depth water under the regular wave and current via physical model has been performed. The contrast tests were used to show the effect of wave dissipation and the strain of the mooring anchor chain of the floating breakwater under the wave and wave-current respectively. The motion of the floating breakwater under the wave was also described. The test results showed that the effect of wave dissipation under wave was better than that under wave-current and the variation trend of the strain of the mooring anchor chain was basically the same. The ratio between the width of the floating breakwater and the wavelength was just from 1/6 to 1/3 and the phase difference between the two edges of the floating breakwater was only from (1/3-1/1.6)π, so the swinging angle was not big.
出处 《港工技术》 北大核心 2008年第6期10-13,共4页 Port Engineering Technology
关键词 浮式防波堤 规则波 水流 波浪透射系数 锚链张力 浮堤的运动轨迹 floating breakwater regular wave current wave transmission coefficient strain of the mooring anchor chain the motion of floating breakwater
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