
掺加不同纤维对SMA高温性能的影响 被引量:9

Effects of Different Fibers Added on SMA's High Temperature Performance
摘要 选用车辙试验和恒定高度重复剪切试验(RSCH)来进行掺加不同纤维的沥青玛蹄脂碎石混合料(SMA)高温性能研究.两者试验结果的对比分析表明,由于动稳定度及车辙深度两个指标经常出现背离,因此车辙试验不适合用来评价掺加纤维的SMA高温性能;RSCH所得到的K1,K2,N和γ各个指标呈现出很好的相关性和一致性,能很好地对掺加纤维的SMA高温性能评价.RSCH结果表明,在0.3%(质量分数)掺量条件下,掺加聚丙烯腈纤维的SMA高温性最好,掺加矿物纤维的SMA次之,掺加木质纤维的SMA最差. The effects of adding different fibers on high temperature performance of stone matrix asphalt (SMA) were investigated by means of rutting test and repeated shear test (constant height) (RSCH). By analysis of the results of the two test it is shown that for the reason of conflict between dynamic stability and rut depth, the rutting test is not suitable for the high temperature performance evaluation of SMA with fibers added; while the results of RSCH, such as K1, K2, N, γ, show very good consistency, so RSCH is suitable for the high temperature performance evaluation of SMA with fibers added. The results of RSCH show that at the same content of 0.3% (by mass) fibers added SMA with polyacrylonitrile fiber added has the best, and that with the mineral fiber added has better, that with xylon fiber added has the worst high temperature performance.
作者 谢晶
出处 《建筑材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2008年第6期746-751,共6页 Journal of Building Materials
关键词 纤维 沥青玛蹄脂碎石混合料(SMA) 高温性能 恒定高度重复剪切试验(RSCH) fiber stone matrix asphah(SMA) high temperature performance repeated shear test (constant height) (RSCH)
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