
连接分形的城市 被引量:29

Connecting the Fractal City
摘要 和所有生命系统一样,有活力的城市本质上都具有分形特征。汽车和人口增长带来的压力迫使20世纪的城市规划者推行反分形的几何类型,传统城市的分形特征被去除,给城市肌理造成灾难性的影响。要消除这种破坏,必须深入细致地理解一些问题:(1)分形特征都有哪些;(2)有活力的城市肌理中错综复杂的相互连接;(3)连接和修补城市空间的方法;(4)整合行人、汽车和公共交通的有效方式;(5)如何将实体联系与电子联系结合起来。首先,我们应该消除对分形结构的一些基本误解,然后我会强调层级一致性的本质和重要性。我们可以用分形标度来检验城市形体——作为城市成功的一个前提;另一个独立标度是连通性,应当从拓扑学角度进行研究。用生物系统进化和因特网的知识来讨论尺度分布、逆幂律度尺度法则和"小世界"网络。这些概念表明当代都市一方面向郊区化蔓延发展,另一方面是摩天楼式发展——这种对极端密度的偏好都是病态的。当代都市面临的挑战是如何用最佳方式实现竞争性连接网络的融合。 Living cities have intrinsically fractal properties, in common with all living systems. The pressure to accommodate both the automobile and increased population growth led twentieth-century urbanists to impose anti-fractal geometrical typologies. The fractal properties of the traditional city were erased, with disastrous consequences for the urban fabric. To undo this damage, it is necessary to understand several things in some detail: (1) what these ffactal properties are; (2) the intricate connectivity of the living urban fabric; (3) methods of connecting and repairing urban space; (4) an effective way to overlay pedestrian, automotive, and public transports; and (5) how to integrate physical connections with electronic connections. First of all, some basic misunderstandings about fractal structure have to be cleared up. 1 will then underline the nature and importance of hierarchical coherence. We can use the fractal criterion to test the geometry of cities as one condition for their success. Another independent criterion is connectivity, which has to be studied topologically. 1 will use lessons learned from the evolution of biological systems and the internet to discuss the distribution of sizes, inverse-power scaling laws, and ‘small-world' networks. These concepts show us that extreme densities favored in contemporary urbanism suburban sprawl on the one hand, and skyscrapers on the other are pathological. The challenge for the contemporary city is how to superimpose competing connective networks in an optimal manner.
出处 《国际城市规划》 CSSCI 2008年第6期81-92,共12页 Urban Planning International
关键词 规划 城市设计 分形 网络 尺度 层级 “小世界”网络 逆幂律度尺度法则 催化作用 毛细管现象 Planning Urban Design Fractals Networks Scaling Hierarchies "Small-world" Networks Inverse Power-Law Scaling Catalysis Capillarity
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