山东黄河冲积平原区土壤地球化学调查是按每1 km2采集1件表层土壤样品,4 km2组合成1件分析样品,每4 km2采集1件深层土壤样品,16 km2组合成1件分析样品,测试Ag,As,Au,B,Ba,Be,Bi,Br,C,Cd,Ce,Cl,Co,Cr,Cu,F等54项指标。在统计这些指标的表层、深层土壤地球化学特征参数的基础上,对其与全国同类参数的差异进行了分析,对比区内表层、深层土壤元素地球化学含量值的变化,认为大部分指标在表层土壤中的含量继承了土壤母质的成分特征,后期人类活动对其影响较小,但Corg,N,Se,S,P,Br,Hg等指标在表层土壤中已明显富集,表明表生作用和人类活动等因素已对这些指标的分布分配产生明显影响。
On the basis of collecting one surface soil sample in per 1km^2, collecting one analysis sample in per 4km^2 , and collecting one analysis sample in per 16km^2 , geochemical survey of soil in the Yellow River alluvial plain is carried out. 54 indicators are tested, such as Ag, As, Au, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Br, C, Cd, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Cu, Fa,etc. On the basis of statistics of geochemical parameters of soil in surface and deep part, differences are analyzed comparing with simliar parameters in other areas. Contrasting the variation of gochemical content values between soil in surface and deep part, it is regarded that the contents of most indicators in surface soil inherited the characteristics of soil parent material, and human activities can only effect it a little. But some indicators, such as Corg, N, Se, S, P, Br, Hg have been concentrated significantly in surface soil. It reflects that the role of surface and factors and human activities have a significant effect on the distribution of these indicators.
Shandong Land and Resources