In January this year, the United Nations issued "CREATIVE ECONOMY REPORT 2008", the data in the report is pleasant surprising: in 2005, the total amount of China's creative industries export more than Italy and the United States and China became the largest export country in creative industries. From the report, by 2015, this huge industry is expected to reach 1.5 trillion Yuan, however, how to realize it? Whether China should be strongly develop creative industries or not, and what are the advantage, in the process, what’s support and services that the Government need to provide? All these issues are our concerns. Data show that creative industries as high growth part of the economy, in China, it has created enormous value of exports, income and employment opportunities. Transferring the made in China to created in China, China should fully develop and use the rich cultural heritage, packaging it to mature market and introduction the affinity products to the international market. In this process, the Government will play an important service role. If at the beginning of China's reforming and opening, push the manufacturing sector into the international arena and develop export-oriented economy is the first battle of international circulation, then, it is clear that now China is necessary and is also the proper time to open up the second battle of the creative industries to lead international circulation.
China Internet Week