
产业演进阶段性差异与企业非市场策略的匹配 被引量:1

Diversity of Industrial Evolving Stage and Firm's Non-Market Strategy
摘要 以我国上市公司为对象,在对企业所处产业的演进阶段进行判别的基础上,依据样本企业官方网站的新闻报道,采取内容分析法,从非市场策略的类型、涉及的外部利益相关者和企业事项三方面系统考察了产业演进不同阶段企业的非市场策略特征。研究结果表明:处在不同产业演进阶段的企业,非市场策略的选择存在差异。 On the basis of identifying industry evolving phases, the article, according to the reportage from official nets of sample enterprises, takes the method of content analysis to systematically study enterprise non-market strategy characters in different industrial phases from three aspects: non-market strategy types, outside stakeholders and enterprise issues. The outcome of the analysis shows that the enterprises will take diversified strategies in different industrial evolving stages.
作者 陈艳莹 于明
出处 《改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期111-115,共5页 Reform
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"嵌入性约束下的中介服务业市场结构演进与规制研究"(批准号:70603003)
关键词 产业演进阶段 非市场策略 外部利益相关者 企业事项 industry evolving phases, non-market strategy, outside stakeholders,enterprise issues
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