We determined the serum levels of Lipoprotein(α) Lp(α),Apolipoprotein AⅠ (Apo AⅠ),Apolipoprotein B(ApoB),Cheolesterol(Ch),Triglyceride(TG)and High Density Lipoprotein Cheolesterol(HDL) in 47 patients with cerebral infarction,41 patients with cerebral hemorrhage and in 49 healthy controls.It was found that patients with cerberal infarction had significantly higher levels of Lp(α),Apo B and TG,and lower level of HDL.Patients with cereberal hemorrhage had significantly higher levels of Lp(α),ApoB,TG,and lower level of Ch than control group.There was a significantly postive correlation between Lp(α) and TG in patients with cerebral infarction,while a significantly negative correlation between Lp(α) and Ch in patients with cerebral hemorrhage.The detective rate of abnormal Lp(α) and TG in cerebral infarction were as high as 68 09%,63 83%.The detective rate of abnormal HDL in cerebral hemorrhage was as high as 53 66%.It is suggested that the abnormal Lp(α) and other lipids are the most common and important risk factor for cerebrovascular diseases.