
我国刑法规定国际犯罪的立法模式探讨 被引量:1

On the Mode of Legislation of Importing International Crimes into the Chinese Penal Law
摘要 国际犯罪分为"国际核心罪行"与"一般国际犯罪",它们源于习惯国际法或者条约国际法,但都被国际公约明确规定。我国缔结、加入了大量规定有国际犯罪的国际公约,而这些公约都要求缔约国通过国内立法对国际犯罪加以规定。因此,在我国全面或者大部分地规定国际犯罪,既是作为条约缔约国的义务,也是防止、有效惩治国际犯罪所必需的措施。鉴于我国的刑事立法特点,我们宜在刑法典中统一规定国际犯罪。即在修改刑法第9条、增加其对国际公约适用灵活性的同时,我们可以将一般国际犯罪根据其侵犯的客体规定于现有各章中,并新增一章"危害人类和平与安全罪"来规定战争罪、种族灭绝和危害人类罪这些国际核心罪行。 Core International Crimes and Ordinary International Crimes stem from the customary international law or conventional international law, and they are all stipulated by some treaties. China concluded or acceded many conventions providing international crimes, and those conventions require their states parties to enact laws so as to criminalise the relevant acts. So, it is our obligation as a state party to stipulate international crimes in our penal law, and it is a good measure to prevent the international crimes and punish the offenders. Considering the feature of Chinese criminal legislation, we can provide all international crimes within the Chinese Penal Code. We should amend article 9 of CPC so that we can apply international conventions better. At the same time, we can enact articles of ordinary international crimes within the existent chapters according to the object of the crimes, and add a new chapter in the punitive articles of CPC named the Crimes against Peace and Security of Mankind to provide the core international crimes, such as war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.
作者 卢有学
出处 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期108-112,共5页 Hebei Law Science
关键词 国际犯罪 国际核心罪行 一般国际犯罪 立法模式 危害人类和平与安全罪 international crimes Core International Crimes Ordinary International Crimes mode of legislation Crimes Against Peace and Security of Mankind
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  • 1M. Cherif Bassiouni: International Crimes: Jus Cogens and Obligatio Erga Omnes, Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol. 59: No. 4, p.68.
  • 2http ://www. un. org/News/Press/docs/1996/19960327. 12766. html
  • 3Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of An International Criminal Court: Summary of the Proceedings of the Preparatory Committee Daring the Period 25 March - 12 April 1996[ R]. paras. 66 -67
  • 4《决定》.
  • 5刑法第121条.
  • 6《条例》第20条.
  • 7《条例》第21条.
  • 8《日内瓦公约》.
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  • 10田龙海,常璇.论惩治战争罪国内立法的完善[J].西安政治学院学报,2006,19(5):53-59. 被引量:5











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