于 1996年 6~ 7月开展了中韩南黄海联合调查。此次调查取得了若干新进展 :( 1)根据沉积物颜色探讨了黄河物质的影响 ;( 2 )从东到西获得了连续的回声测深记录 ;( 3)首次查明了东部泥的分布特征 ;( 4 )对中部泥有了进一步的认识 ;( 5)取得了有关悬浮物分布的新资料 ;( 6)揭示了东部泥形成的水动力环境。
In order to obtain a systematic and region scale understanding of the sediment dynamics of the southern Yellow Sea, a cruise to the region was organised jointly by the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Department of Oceanography, the University of Seoul, in June July 1996. Progress achieved from this cruise includes that: (1) the influence of the material input from the Huanghe River is evaluated on the basis of the sediment colour, (2)continuous echo sounding records are obtained along two east west trending profiles, (3)for the first time the exact distribution pattern of the mud deposits over the eastern part of the region is identified; (4)a progress is made in the study on the characteristics of the central mud deposit;(5)new data with regard to distribution patterns of suspended matter are collected; and (6)the hydrodynamic conditions for the formation of the eastern mud deposit are revealed.
Marine Sciences
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