新经济时代,那些单纯依靠运营工厂、生产产品获取利润的传统制造型公司是否真的繁华远逝?捷普科技(Jabil Circuit)负责医疗器械的全球副总裁托尼·爱伦(Tony Allan)的回答斩钉截铁:NO!
In the new economy times, are those tradtional companies that gain profits purely by relying on managing the factory, producing goods really furthering away? The global vice president Tony Allan of the medical equipment branch of Jabil Circuit answered firmly: NO! The secret of their success lies to their 'business unit' management system, which is made up all-round engineers and management groups that provide unit customer with unit service.Ensuring high quality and delivery in time with high executing ability is a kind of extending customer resources.