

IBM Makes for Integration
摘要 在2007年初,市场调查机构ABI某些方面Research曾经公布了一份关于Symbian系统的悲观报告,其中称一度占领了移动操作系统73%的Symbiani在来自Windows Mobile和Linux系统的激烈竞争中迅速丧失原有的市场份额,预测到2012年,它的份额将会降至46%。而除了来自竞争对手的因素,手机软件的成本也是制约其发展的重要原因。 Do you still remember'Information On Demand'at the beginning of this century?The small button with the word'On'once prevailed in the world thanks to IBM's omnipresent advertisements-though it was hard for many people to under- stand directly and accurately what IBM wanted to convey by this simple word. Then starting from 2003,IBM took four years to tell all people who had doubts that the integration period had come roaring with the new round of globalization wave nonetheless, the word of integration itself still had a obscure note. In this course,IBM made continuous acquisitions,trans- fused fresh blood into its software systems persistently and confirmed the value of integration and innovation by example of itself on one hand and gave new connotations to such originally uncommon technical terms as SOA(Service Oriented Architecture),GIE(Globally Integrated Enterprises) and SaaS(Software as a Service)to make them popular in the industry on the other hand. Microsoft and Oracle joined in this trend by their own familiar ways. After the stage of slogans going ahead of action and concepts dominating over contents,IBM is bound to play its trump card in 2008.At the'IBM Forum 2008',which was just concluded on January 16,the slogans IBM raised suddenly became particularly straightforward:Stop,Start,Talking and Doing.This detail also indicates that IBM's integration will gradually bid farewell to the market cultivation period and begin to enter the substantial competitive period.
作者 崔瑜
出处 《互联网周刊》 2008年第16期64-65,共2页 China Internet Week
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