循环流化床(CFB)锅炉过程变量的强交互作用和床温控制对象的逆向响应特性,使得常规控制策略难以满足其控制要求。在中国石化上海石油化工股份有限公司热电事业部两个310 t/h CFB锅炉上实施的霍尼韦尔联合能源解决方案(简称UES),可进一步利用CFB锅炉的控制特性,从而达到通过调节一、二次风量和燃料量,同时控制床温、氧量、床料中的燃料量和热流量的目的。UES实施后,无论是稳态工况下的被控参数标准差还是负荷扰动工况下的被控参数变化幅度均达到理想的控制水准。
The strong interaction of process variables in circulated fluid bed (CFB) furnace and the reverse response feature of bed temperature controlled object make conventional control strategy fail to meet the demand of control. The Honeywell united energy solution (UES) adopted in the two 310 t/h CFB furnaces in Thermal Power Division of Shanghai Petrochemical Co. , Ltd. can further utilize the controlling features of CFB furnace so as to control bed temperature, oxygen flow, fuel flow and thermal flux in bed material through adjustment of primary and secondary air flow and fuel flow. Result of UES application showed that both the standard deviation of parameters under control in stable operation situation and changing range of parameters under control in operation situation of load disturbance reached the ideal control standard.
Technology & Economics in Petrochemicals
circulated fluid bed unit, UES, controlling feature