
一种高效倍压升压型软开关功率因数校正电路 被引量:2

A High Efficiency Zero-voltage-switching Boost Voltage Doubler for Power Factor Correction
摘要 提出一种高效零电压转换倍压升压型变换器的功率因数校正电路。新型软开关技术可以实现整流器主开关和无源开关零电压转换,而辅助开关零电流通断。所述软开关技术没有增加电路主开关的电压和电流应力。由于所用电路主电路导通流经更少的半导体功率器件,因此具有较少的器件导通损耗。该电路结构适合低压输入和中高功率应用场合。计算机仿真和实验样机验证了理论预期。该样机实现转换效率高达97%,功率因数为0.992。 A high efficiency zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) Boost voltage doubler converter for power factor correction is proposed. The topology can be used to perform ZVS in the main switches and the passive switches, and zero-current switching in the auxiliary switch. Furthermore, soft commutation of the main switch is achieved without additional current stress by the presented ZVS-PWM (pulse width modulation) auxiliary circuit. A significant reduction in the conduction losses is achieved, since the circulating current for the soft switching flows only going through the auxiliary circuit and a minimum number of switching devices are involved in the circulating current path, and the proposed rectifier is suit for low line voltage and high power applications. Computer simulation and an experimental prototype has been implemented. The efficiency up to 97% and power factor over 0.992 has been measured.
出处 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第36期62-67,共6页 Proceedings of the CSEE
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60572016) 教育部留学回国人员基金项目~~
关键词 低输入电压 倍压变换器 功率因数校正 软开关 效率 low line voltage voltage doubler power factor correction soft-switching efficiency
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