
酵母发酵玉米秸秆水解液产麦角甾醇应用研究 被引量:3

Application Research on the Production of Ergosterol using Corn Straw Hydrolyzates Fermentation by Yeast
摘要 生物质是一种可再生资源,生物质发酵可产生高端化工产品。本文主要探讨蒸汽爆破处理玉米秸秆及水解可发酵单糖,考察酵母发酵玉米秸秆糖化液产麦角甾醇的应用研究。实验结果表明:当固液比10%,盐酸浓度1.5%,90°C水解反应3h,还原糖含量达到53.3%,纤维素转化率79%。发酵工艺参数为玉米秸秆糖化液6.0oBx,玉米浆4%,pH7.5,接种量10%,28°C摇床振荡培养32h,细胞生物量达8.5g/L,麦角甾醇含量可达2.35%。同时对玉米秸秆发酵产麦角甾醇晶体进行结构表征。 Biomass is a renewable resource, which can be transformed into useful chemical products. The effects of dilute hydrochloric acid on the hydrolysis of steam explosion pretreatment of corn straw were studied. This article developed the application research of ergosterol using corn straw hydrolysates as fermentation substrates. The results showed that when corn straw was hydrolyzed with 1.5% hydrochloric acid, temperature at 90℃, hydrolysis for 3 h and the corresponding solid to liquid ratio at 10%, the reducing sugar content can reached up to 53.3% and cellulose conversion efficiency was 79%. The optimal fermental parameters were as follows: 6.0 °Bx of corn straw hydrolysates, corn concentration steep water at 4%, pH 7.5, 10% of inoculation, 28℃ cultivated for 32 h. Under these conditions, the yeast biomass up to 8.5 g/L and the ergosterol content up to 2.35%. The infrared spectrometer and the X-ray diffract meter used to characterize of crystallite structure.
出处 《微生物学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期1862-1867,共6页 Microbiology China
基金 吉林省教育厅科技计划基金资助项目(No.吉教科合字[2006]第77号)
关键词 玉米秸秆 酵母 麦角甾醇 发酵 Corn straw, Yeast, Ergosterol, Fermentation
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