
电网发展有关问题探讨 被引量:3

Study on Some Problems of Power-grid Development
摘要 在构建可持续发展的我国能源供应体系中,电力工业将扮演越来越重要的作用。本文围绕我国电网的未来发展问题,分析探讨了电网在我国能源体系中的作用和定位,以及我国电网在未来30年发展中的重点任务,并结合对欧洲、美国在电网方面的发展动向的分析,总结提出了影响电网发展的关键技术。 Power sector will play a very important role in the build-up of a sustainable energy system. With concerns of the key issues related to the long-term development of power grid, the paper presents a comprehensive discussion on the role and function of power grid in China's energy supply system, and thereby addresses the main tasks in terms of the development of power grid in the coming 30 years. Based on these, and with a brief introduction and analysis on the trend or vision in power grid development in both Europe and USA, some key technologies with priority to the development of power grid are summarized in conclusion.
出处 《中国能源》 2008年第12期31-34,共4页 Energy of China
关键词 电网发展 重点任务 关键技术 Power-grid development main tasks key technologies
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