目的依据孕妇血浆中存在游离胎儿DNA的理论,从孕妇外周血浆中分离出胎儿DNA并加以鉴定,预防X连锁遗传病患儿的出生。方法从孕早期、中期共78名孕妇外周血浆中分离胎儿DNA,用实时荧光定量聚合酶链反应(fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction,FQ-PCR)的方法检测其中的Y性别决定区(sex-determining region Y,SRY)基因。结果孕早期怀男胎的孕妇28名,25名SRY基因阳性,其平均浓度为(58.82±25.22)拷贝/ml;孕中期怀男胎的孕妇20名,SRY基因均为阳性,平均为(152.08±62.61)拷贝/ml;怀女胎的孕妇均为阴性。结论用实时荧光定量PCR的方法最早在孕62天的孕妇外周血浆中就可以检测到胎儿SRY基因,随孕周的增加,母血中胎儿DNA的量也在逐渐增加。实时荧光定量PCR技术在进行无创伤性产前性别诊断中有重要的价值。
Objective: To isolate fetal DNA from maternal plasma and examine its fetal origin. Methods: Fetal DNA in maternal plasma was isolated from 40 cases in the first trimester and 38 in the mid - trimester of pregnancy, respectively. Real - time Fluorescence Quantitative Polymerase Chain - reaction ( FQ - PCR) was used to determine sex - determining region Y (SRY) gene on Y chromosome. Results : 28 women in the first trimester and 20 women in the mid - trimester carried male fetuses, 25 and 20 cases of them were positive, respectively. The mean concentrations were (58. 82 ± 25.22) copies/ml and (152.08 ± 62. 61 ) copies/ml. The results of FQ - PCR were negative in the women who carried female fetuses. Conclusion : The results show that fetal SRY gene can be found as early as 62 days of gestation in maternal plasma by the use of FQ - PCR. The number of fetal DNA increases with gestational age. The real - time FQ - PCR is of great value in the non - invasive prenatal diagnosis.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
Real -time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction
Maternal plasma
Sex -determining region
Y gene