为了研究传染性法氏囊病毒超强毒流行株VP2基因重组新城疫病毒(rlasota-vp2)二联疫苗株的免疫机制,用rlasota-vp2免疫2日龄SPF雏鸡,接种后分别在接种后的1,3,5,10,15,18 d取气管,进行光镜、电镜观察,利用免疫组化染色方法检测病毒在气管内的分布;光镜观察发现,接种后第3 d黏膜下层水肿,淋巴细胞、巨噬细胞浸润,黏膜上皮形成空泡状,表层有数层不成熟的细胞组成;接种后第10 d,腺体腔闭塞。免疫组化染色(IHC)气管固有层细胞呈阳性反应,棕色颗粒出现在胞浆中。电镜观察发现接种rlasota-vp2后第3 d纤毛细胞有脱纤毛现象。接种第3 d杯状细胞破碎,黏液成分增多,黏膜下层的纤维裸露到表面;接种后第10 d,可以看到纤毛细胞纤毛上有球形粒子,杯状细胞、基细胞大量增生;接种后第18 d,纤毛细胞脱纤毛区域进一步增大。这说明气管黏膜的损伤是机体重要的防御机制和免疫机制的表现。
Abstract:Vaccination was given by eyedrop and intranasal instillation with rlasota -vp2 (2× 10^6 EID50/ chicken) to two - day - old SPF chicken. 1,3, 5, 10, 15, 18 days after the treatment,the tracheas were collecred. Ultrastructural changes in the tracheal epithelium were examined by light microscopy and small vacuoles containing lymphocytes and heterophils in the epithelial layer were observed. The submucosa was slightly edematous, immature epithelium proliferated in some areas. The trachea was lined with several layers of immuture ceils on days 3 PV. On days 10 PV there was hyperplasia of mucous gland cells causing narrowong or obliteration of glandular lumina. On days 3 postvaceation (PV) scanning electron microscopy revealed hypertrophy of goblet cell and small patches of the deeiliated epithelium around the disoriented and deformed cilia. On days 3 PV hyperplasia of goblet cells were accompanied by an increase in mucus. On days 10 PV globular particles were found in the areas of the trachea epithelium with tips of cilia adhering to them. Goblet ceils regenerated. Non- ciliated plaques were observed until day 18 PV. But they gradually decreased in size. Specilfic staining was localized in the submucosa ceils in immunohistochemical(IHC) staining. This response is the indication of the mucocillary defense mechanism.
Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis