
高中阶段学校卫生保健工作能力调查 被引量:2

An Investigation on Faculty of Health Care in High Schools
摘要 目的了解高中阶段学校卫生保健工作能力,为管理决策提供依据。方法2007年10~11月对某2所高校2007级大学新生实施回顾性问卷调查,内容包括保健教师配备、医务室配置与装备、医疗工作与健康教育工作开展情况。结果调查对象涉及到290所高中学校,其中国家公办260所,社会企业办30所;农村76所,县城和城市214所。81.O%(235/290)的学校配有保健教师,国家公办学校保健教师配备比例为85.8%,明显高于社会与企业办学校的40.0%(P〈0.01);专职保健教师的比重为39.6%,农村学校仅为27.6%,低于县城和城市学校的43.5%(P〈0.05)。93.4%的学校配有医务室,但社会和企业办学校的比例只有76.7%,低于国家公办学校的95.4%(P〈0.01)。94.1%的医务室能开展业务工作,但社会和企业办学校医务室的工作能力劣于公办学校。社会和企业办学校未开展健康教育的有13.3%,高于公办学校的0.4%(P〈0.01)。健康教育形式主要为广播和宣传栏。结论高中阶段学校卫生保健工作亟待加强,尤其是社会和企业办学校以及农村学校。 Objective To understand the faculty of health care in high schools, and provide basis for school health administration. Methods Retrospective questionnaire was used to survey entrants of grade 2007 in two colleges from October to November 2007. Evaluation of health care teacher, school health clinic, medical service and health edu- cation were implemented by closed - ended questions. Results 290 high schools were surveyed. 260 of them were run by the state and 30 of them by societies and enterprises.76 of them were in the countryside and 214 in towns and cities.81.0% of them had health care teachers.85.8 % of the state schools had health care teacher, which was higher than 40.0 % of schools run by societies and enterprises ( P 〈 0.0 1 ) . The percentage of fulhime health care teachers was 39.6 % for schools, and in that countryside was 27.6 % and 43.5 % for schools in town and city ( P 〈 0.05 ) . The most schools had health clinics, but schools run by societies and enterprises only had 76.7 %, which were fewer than 95.4 % of the state schools ( P 〈 0.0 1 ) . The medical operation ability of state schools was superior to that of schools run by so- cieties and enterprises ( P 〈 0.05 ) .1 3.3 % of schools run by societies and enterprises didn' t engage in health educa- tion, but only 0.4% for the state schools (P 〈 0.0 1) .The major means for health education were broadcast and billboard. Conclusion Health care should be strengthened in high school, especially these schools in the countryside and run by societies and enterprises.
出处 《怀化医专学报》 2008年第2期101-104,共4页
基金 基金项目:全国教育科学“十一五”规划2007年度教育部规划专项课题(GLB070026)
关键词 高中 学校卫生 卫生保健 健康教育 能力 high school school health health care health education faculty
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